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"Search Engine Blog offering tips, tricks and insights about SEO and Web design world."

SEO Myths Wednesday, May 7, 2008 |

Optimization is about Page Rank and is not a question of Page Rank. These Meta Tags and it is not. It is the density ... and you get the picture.

It is scientific, because a month, we attract a test base to draw trends. The science is to identify and quantify the search for trends. Then, the art is to find strategies that will contribute to the magnitude of activities required to reach positions.

So Page Rank is important. But that's not all, it was 2 years. The meta tags are useless with an engine perspective, with the exception of the title tag.

Being in the top ten or even a number for a term not change the world. You should classify the many expressions and give you traffic. And if your call to action sucks, SEO is wasted.

Of course, in less competitive markets, it is relatively easy to classify only through links to your site. But in the world of real estate where you have 1 dismissed for 50 to 150 adults, you have greater competition. And do not forget the large companies encroach on your space as Homegain, Oodle and Zillows nature.

However, a number one position is not everything.

In fact, a website does not automatically equal traffic. The first position does not correspond to traffic. The movement is not equal. Do not drive equal sales.

So you must have a plan beyond just the construction and they will come "mentality which is running havoc on the web. You have to find ways of making" does not equal " equal what you want.

1. PageRank & Metatags are everything
2. A top ten position will solve all your sales problems
3. SEO is metatag manipulation
4. Content is King
5. The engines love blogs more than regular webpages
6. Get ranked for the top 20 most voluminous words and you will be successful
7. If you just get rankings and Traffic you will be Successful
8. SEO is the single most important action you can do for your website
9. Its all about more links!
10. There are magical shortcuts to getting SEO traffic


Link Building Strategies Monday, May 5, 2008 |

It is no secret that creating links to your website is the key to obtain high quality traffic and get very classified by the major search engines.

Before starting to establish links on your site, it is important to know how many links already exist for website. This way, you can follow the success of your efforts to build new links. If you do not have the know-how, a method is looking for your domain name sure to enter the URL. The results show all the links that Google has indexed your site. Some results are generally excluded from the results, know exactly how many links to your site in Google, you'll need to get their free tools for webmasters, just google "Tools for webmasters.

If you try to drive traffic to your website, these tools are a necessity. Once your account is open, just go to the dashboard and select the pages with links to external option to find out how many sites are associated with you.

Some methods more external links to your site

First, Get Involved in your niche

If you launch a new Internet Marketing Services and you want to attract traffic to your site. The first step should be to get involved with others who have chosen the same niche.

Whatever business you're blogs and forums are to discuss your topic. By participating in conversations that are already running, you will not only pick up tips and tricks, but you'll also build credibility.

With this credibility that traffic from other members of the debate, and the movement that external links pointing to your site. Of course, you should have a strong original content to keep their attention. On the Internet, you must be fast, fluid and flexible in order to draw the attention of your target market.

Another very effective way to put links to your new site is to write articles and submit them to various outlets online. I try to write several articles per week if you do not know how to start writing the article, it suffices to make a quick search and you will find plenty of information on how to begin. Believe me when I tell you it is a very effective way to get links and traffic to your site.

In addition to writing articles, press releases on your new venture is another great way to attract attention. You can make a press release online, or send it to your local newspaper. Many times they pick up a story about a local entrepreneur and you get loads of publicity and free movement. Again, if this idea is new research and learn how to do it, the results will be worth the effort.

Social Networking

I did not use these services as much as I should, but they are the way forward, so that you can be sure that I build my sites on places like Facebook and MySpace. But they are not the only social there.StumbleUpon sites Digg, del.icio.us and many others, are also excellent sources of traffic. Social Bookmarking these sites are increasingly in popularity each day.

Basically member sites to recommend to other members of hundreds of diffferent categories. I used StumbleUpon posts and submitted my Blog SEO results.The with good key to these sites, once again, is a great original content. Once you bring to their community and promote links to your site. I have heard some great success of other bloggers who use too much, I will therefore continue to show a lot of original content and we hope that all my readers to submit their favorite me Social Bookmarking sites.

These three steps are a good starting point to a strong link building strategy. They used to always have traffic on your site immediately, but with persistence, you build the back-links which are necessary for your site and the traffic starts to come in. I have personally seen the dramatic increase in traffic between my strategy.

Keep in mind that making money online business opportunity is a marathon not a sprint. It is better to spend a few hours a day to do what works to spend hours to try out a new regime and lose focus on your main objective. Happy link building.
